I will have shortly 4 (yes 4) little boys here that are ready to GO to a new home. They will be neutered (peepees left on for those dwelling on the man parts thread) in the next couple weeks. They are pit mixes (mixed with something small) smaller than Dilly and at this point get along with everything, cats, each other, other dogs etc.
These are Katrina puppies that the smurfing foster flaked out on and wanted to euthanise. Long story but Debby you'll need to dust off the pitchforks, tar, naptha and stuff shortly. There won't be a rock big enough to hide this hobag at all. She could even face embezzlement. Yee haw on that one.
Anyhow they are getting shipped up to NH from Houston as soon as the man parts that are extra are gone. They go to the vet Friday so 10 days after that. They will have crates, toys,bankies, etc. go with them to their new homes. I'll post pics as soon as they get up here because, well, let's face it photography isn't Leah's forte
So anyone that has someone looking for a smaller mixed breed (I'm thinking Beagle from descriptions) I'm taking applications.