I'm sorry we failed you. It wasnt your fault. 11 months of being tied in a backyard and not socialized well was definately not your wrong doing. Thank god you loved people. If it wasnt for that you would have been gone along time ago. You are a wild one, it took us almost a month to be able to leash you-let alone walk you. We quickly found out how you loved people but did not like dogs. We soon figured, that we should have WAITED to get you neutered since we couldnt control you and you had your dewclaws removed. How much fun was flipping you like a calf and then lying on top of you!! We bonded so much during those times!! Jess and I will never forget our Crom-Crom. You grew so much, we even got you a play buddy who you didnt seem to hate. Then one day you decided that other dogs shouldnt go near people, and started attacking becuase you thought you were protecting us. I'm sorry bud, you we'rent a bad dog, we just dont have the resources to help pups like you. I hope you run free across the rainbrow bridge and make alot of puppy friends and we'll see you on the flip side.
Love you forever Crom the cromster... our cromness boy.
RIP Crom, our wacky shelter boy, April 2/07