“Papercrete Homes”, Texas
Quite an alternative for structures which would do well in this climate. A “paper” shelter! Who would have thought…
But of course as everything else there is a catch. Need for a mixer and above all water which we do not have to spare… Some kind of a pick up truck to haul “stuff”… some tools. A tent is sounding better and better! Always two sides to the coin.
This land tears me up sometimes in the sense that I don’t want to leave, such silence, quiet, peace and serenity surrounded by beautiful landscape, at the same time the road calls, the wind on my face while rolling down the stretches is also part of the present Life. I try to balance it utilizing warmer times to do so.
It is now the perfect weather for this area, it was a good decision to anchor down for the winter, not saying there will not be some freezing spells! I am hoping for some blankets of snow sometime in the near future.
On to Alpine today… there seem to be always and errand to run!
Be well… enjoy the “papercrete” homes…
Ara & Spirit