DemoDick wrote:This is exactly why I earlier wrote that I am doubtful that there is any amount of evidence that would convince sfbully girl that Rebecca might be in the wrong. The amount of justification and rationalization going on here is astounding.
Demo Dick
and by your statement we can see that you have made up your mind even though you state through the thread you are waiting for all the evidence, clearly you are not and your willingness to just accept at face value is astounding.
I will state all the previously mention instances, which are no one's business on this forum and really are being posted because the people direcly involved want to color people's opinions. None of us know both sides myself included so...I base my words on the side I do know, if the parties involved want to post their feelings about it them we can have that discussion, after all isn't that what this thread is about to discuss copying, copyrights and the like not to act as judge and jury to hang Rebecca, though it seems otherwise for most of this. Also, Noel posted her side...and I am only talking of the issue she directly has and if the charges are true then she should go after Rebecca in a court of law as stealing is wrong.
It is going to be harder and harder for people to make original works anymore when they use commercially available materials and copies are going to happen intentionally and unintentionally so people better get prepared to scour the internet for these people and spend their money and time at the lawyers office if it means so much to them and FILE FOR COPYRIGHTS.
So...did Rebecca do any of this intentionally only she knows, and if she did well that is on her and is wrong as I have stated. Noel made a copy of a vintage collar just like Rebecca did from a picture for inspiration, it is not out of the realm of possibilty that they would look alike, but we have yet to see Noel's collar and have no way to prove that, but at this point a picture is useless. They both then made a copy of someone else's work, can that be copyrighted ? I do not know. Lastly, then Rebecca again somehow stole Noels pictures from her photobucket account, if that is provent hen she is WRONG...I can only say it so many times...take it to court and PROVE it, stop trying act as judge, jury and executioner.
If people read this and believe Noel so be it they will take their business elsewhere, if people read this and think there may be more to the story and are waiting to see what comes of the legal action then great. I would hope anyone in a situation where they are being accused of something they did not do was allowed due process under the law , I thought it was innocent until proven guilty just not so much on this forum it seems.