Try this, Michelle:Modification name: Tinypic MOD
Modification description: This MOD add's a small Tinypic toolbar, so it's easy to upload your image and video quickly.
Modification version: 1.0.2
Tested on phpBB version: 2.0.22
Download file:
File size: 2619 Bytes
Modification overview page: View
Selected tags:
Or maybe this:Extract the compressed archive to your desktop.
Open the file in a plain text editor and read the instructions at the top of the extracted file and act accordingly.
Use your ftp client to upload the mysql_upgrader.php into the board root. This is the same location as the boards config.php.
Browse to this file in your web browser via its URI. So using the board as an example you would browse to
Code: Select all will cause the script to scan your database and then provide the correct schema for you MySQL version. As such it will output a list of SQL queries which can
Be run all in one go via phpmyadmin
Or run via the MySQL console
Or given to the host to run.
Once the provided queries have been executed the errors should be fixed and the board working correctly.
Now use your ftp client to remove the files mysql_upgrader.php from your board root.
No need to thank me!!