I feel absolutely horrible...

Everything that doesn't fit anywhere else!

Postby Tubular Toby » July 21st, 2011, 1:24 pm

Last Thursday, my boyfriend, Allen, and I went on vacation. He paid for almost all of it since I am broke right now, and we drove to Chicago. We were leaving Thursday morning and would be back on Tuesday night. In an effort to be a responsible adult living alone, I made sure everything was taken care of. Toby and all of his belongings went to my mom's house, I even took my outside potted plants to her house to make sure that they wouldn't die. Since I am trying to save money, I unplugged everything in my house other than my fish tanks and turned off all the lights. Since I only have a window unit and didn't want it running unattended for a few days (it's not the type that shuts itself off every once in awhile), I turned it off. I fed my fish really well and off we drove.

I am an IDIOT! Of course it's been getting well into the 100s here, and I left my poor fish in my house without AC... I didn't think about it until Tuesday night on the way back and had a sinking feeling in my stomach. That sinking feeling hit even harder when my car engine stopped running unexpectedly and we were stuck on the side of the highway. But that ended okay, my car is in a safe place being worked on and we were fine. I finally got home Wednesday afternoon to find over half of my fish had died, including a female betta named Yoshi that I've had for two years. I feel really bad, but I also have no one to blame other than myself. I'm just so mad that I thought of EVERYTHING (I vacuumed, did the dishes, took out the trash, everything before leaving) except keeping my fish cool.

I have a 75 gallon tank with a few fish left. I'm thinking about selling it. Yoshi's three gallon I may keep and get another betta, but I can't help but feel that I am done with my 75.
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Postby iluvk9 » July 21st, 2011, 2:00 pm

Oh, gee....I am sorry about the fish. I never had a fish tank, so I wouldn't even think of keeping the A/C on to keep the water a comfortable temperature. Did it smell like low tide?

I hope your vacation was fun, before the car breakdown and before you starting thinking of the fish tank.
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Postby Tubular Toby » July 21st, 2011, 2:13 pm

Actually, since my filters and all were running, the house didn't smell at all. I can only imagine what it would have smelled like if the water was stagnant...

I am as passionate about my fish as I am pit bulls (or close, anyway) so it really bothers me that I missed something so obvious...

But yes, Chicago was great. I feel really incredibly lucky that I have such an awesome guy that was willing to help make our dream vacation happen. =)
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Postby pitbullmamaliz » July 21st, 2011, 4:58 pm

I'm sorry about your fishies... :(
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Postby call2arms » July 21st, 2011, 9:41 pm

I'm sorry for your fish... What kind did you have in your 75 that passed away?

It's BAKING in here too (113 F today in the city with humidex factor, and you can cut the air it's so thick) and we don't have AC. I hope my 3 neons and my cherry shrimp make it till we get a small unit or that the heat wave ends (I've been working on getting an AC for years but BF is reluctant cause we live on a ground floor, and we'd have to remove windows and install a plexiglass, and we got robbed in the past so it makes him nervous).
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Postby Tubular Toby » July 22nd, 2011, 12:29 am

I had a pair of Kribensis (my mom has two Kribs that my pair raised, so that makes me a little happier), 6 red/blue columbian tetras, 2 "adopted" peppered cories and 1 schwartz's cory. The ones that survived include a clown pleco that I adore (his name is Jose!), a marbled angel (Michelangelo) and 6 gold barbs. There was an otocinclus cat too that I haven't seen signs of yet, but he was always good at going unseen. I was just about to set up a quarantine tank to get him some friends too. :sad: Oh yeah, I also have a pink glofish that I adopted from my old roommate because he was living in a 1.5 gallon tank. He survived too.

I can understand your BF being hesitant, but I have a small window unit to cool one room, and it gets hot enough at times. I don't know how you manage with none. I guess a LOT of fans? Haha
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Postby call2arms » July 22nd, 2011, 10:24 pm

Awe, I'm so sorry about your fish again... It definitely sucks.

Yeah, we've got 2 ceiling fans (both bedrooms, one being Iggy's crate room), plus 2 standing fans - one is now in the kitchen window and is pushing cooler air in cause it's still 100 degrees in here (plus my cat pooped - lovely when I got home)...

We're maybe looking into a free standing unit, but they're expensive!!!!
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Postby Malli » July 23rd, 2011, 5:19 am


mistakes happen, just know that!

I totally get how you feel though...
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