i spent most of the weekend in Moberly Lake, BC its right by chetwynd and is amazingly beautiful. despite the annoying teenagers that were really BAD...i dont ever remember being as stupid as these kids were this past weekend (they took a really expensive boat on its trailer still and pushed it into the middle of the lake....causing it to flood...thank god it didnt sink)...anyways the rest of the weekend was awesome here are a few pictures...i had more but i cant find them so i'll post them later!!!!
the crownline we used to cruise around the lake. somehow we mananged to have kids with us EVERY time we went so no make out sessions on the water hahaha anyways...we didnt get any wake boarding in cuz it wasnt that great of weather and the water was still too cold...althought that didnt stop Welcome from getting us all wet with some killer waves over hte bow!! haha anyways ehre it is (sorry no pix of us actually in it)
this is the most amazing house i've ever seen. its owned by some rich guy that apparently owns a baseball team or two..haha anyways i heard that his masterbedroom is over 5000 sq feet....my question to him would be...why would you LEAVE your bedroom with it being that big
and last but not least its Pepper Pot...a friend's 10 month old Cocker Spaniel puppy she was sooo cute....(i grew up with cockers so i couldnt resist taking like 10 billion pictures of her haha)
introducing...DAISY!!!! the 5 week old pug i spent my weekend with!!!!
isnt she the cutests!!! and boy did she have attitude!!! she kept biting Nemo(shih/malt) in the bum and he's 4 times her size hahaha....she could fit in your one hand.... i was so in love!!!
i hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!
-Kim & Tylor