Some of the newer dogs.

Post your pics and vids here.

Postby pittymomma » January 19th, 2006, 9:32 am

Here are some pictures of some of the newer dogs that have come to stay.

Here is Murphy, him wifey and kids were left tied to the shelter we pulled the family and I adopted Murphy myself I was head over heels for this guy he is 100% perfect I couldn't have asked for a better dog- selfish I guess to keep him but I got over that pretty quickly with him in my


Here is Hank he came in just before Xmas Ac picked him up and really went to bat for him and begged for this big boy to get out. I picked him up and he was a walking skeleton at 63 lbs- he has packed on some weight and is up in the 85 plus lb region he I think is mixed with perhaps some Mastiff he is HUGE, deceiving in the pics though.
Here he is with a friend of mine doing "yoga"

ANd little miss Coffee, she came in with litter last February but never rec'd much interest which I beleive might have been fate as she has been diagnosed with grade 4 bi lateral HD and she has luxating patellas, doesnt stop her she is on supplements and goes for pyshio and will attempt hydro therapy. Here is the pretty gal

Here are my two new fosters they arrived last Saturday.




ANd lets throw one in of Cooper and Lexxy



Thats all for now
Just Whelped
Posts: 43

Postby Emi » January 19th, 2006, 9:52 am

What gorgous dogs , they are all just stunning ... they all look very happy and so content very good job :heartbeat:
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Postby cheekymunkee » January 19th, 2006, 10:58 am

Aww, I've missed Cooper & Lexy! Great job V!
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Postby Maryellen » January 19th, 2006, 11:10 am

i love your dogs. and the yoga picture is just to die for.. what a picture..
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Postby CinderDee » January 19th, 2006, 1:43 pm

It's great to see Coop and Lexy again! The others are gorgeous, Vero. I love the pic of Macy. :love:
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Postby pblove » January 20th, 2006, 5:13 pm

beautiful dogs!
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Postby babyreba » January 20th, 2006, 6:28 pm

Beautiful dogs, all of them!
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Postby Patch O' Pits » January 20th, 2006, 8:32 pm


Poor Lil Coffee. I hope the hydro therapy works will she be swimming or on an underwater threadmill. Will she need surgery?

Lots of luck with all of them. Where are you located?
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Postby Purple » January 20th, 2006, 8:52 pm

Your pictures are fantastic, your dogs are beautiful (as is your house :) )
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Postby pittymomma » January 23rd, 2006, 9:30 am

Poor Lil Coffee. I hope the hydro therapy works will she be swimming or on an underwater threadmill. Will she need surgery?

Coffee will be trying the swimming first (which will be a task itself lol) if she does not take the therapist said we could try the treadmill but has a feeling if she wont take to just the swimminmg she wont be comfortable with the underwater treaddie.

Coffee cannot have the surgeries as the vet quoted "I can take your money but I cant fix your dog". She would require 4 + surgeries both the hips and the knees, her knees wont support a hip surgery and her hips cant support a knee surgery (rock and a hard place eh?) and sadly Coffee does not have the type of personality to accept a cart so she is on joint supplemts and pain meds and now the physio and hyrdo therapy so I will make her as comfortable as possible- the girl has an iron will though she keeps plugging along.

We are located in Ontario. :(

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Postby luvmyangels » January 23rd, 2006, 10:01 am

You are doing a great job!! They are all beautiful.
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Postby bustersmama » January 23rd, 2006, 10:43 am

WOW, those doggies are beautiful! The pictures capture each of them well. :loveU:
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Postby Romanwild » January 23rd, 2006, 10:45 am

Nice photos and dogs! :P
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Postby Judy » January 23rd, 2006, 8:55 pm

Beautiful dogs, and I couldn't help noticing what a clean house :D
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Postby pittymomma » January 24th, 2006, 9:52 am

Beautiful dogs, and I couldn't help noticing what a clean house

:o No cant be, you must have missed the picture with all the filth, warehoused dogs and neglected kids.... because if DJ said it - it must be true LMAO.

Thanks for the compliment.

Just Whelped
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